Kindergarten is here for my five year old! As the baby of the family, my little guy has been waiting to attend his sisters elementary school for a long time. And we are getting ready for the big day with these bilingual books for starting Kindergarten.
Reading stories that show the joys of this new experience help to ease the nervousness and get excited for what’s to come. Check out the following bilingual titles and let me know which one is your favorite one.
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Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come / Preparate, kindergarten! Alla voy!
The simple, comforting text and big, bright illustrations will ease first-day-of-school jitters and help make the early days of kindergarten exciting and fun.
In this story, the character DLee experiences the fears and joys of going to school for the first time. With its colorful illustrations and bold characters, it is the perfect book to read to any child who has never experienced an educational setting before.
Dora Goes to School/Dora Va a la Escuela
With English and Spanish text, this full-color storybook is perfecto for girls ages 3 to 7.
Un beso en mi mano (The Kissing Hand Series)
In this contemporary classic Chester Raccoon seeks love and reassurance from his mother as he ventures out into the world to attend his very first day of school.
Que Nervios! El Primer Dia de Escuela
Everyone knows that sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach just before diving into a new situation. This charming and familiar story will delight readers with its surprise ending.
Books in Spanish for Starting Kinder
¿Qué se dice en la escuela?: Un cuento sobre el primer día de la escuela
Sofia is new at a bilingual school. Join her on her first day as she learns to communicate throughout the day! This book is designed for classrooms and homes alike, wherever children are nervous about what to say on their first day!
Si llevas un ratón a la escuela
If you take a mouse to school, he’ll ask you for your lunch box. When you give him your lunch box, he’ll want a sandwich to go in it. Then he’ll need a notebook and some pencils. He’ll probably want to share your backpack, too.
School is fun — there’s so much to see and do. First Spot will meet his teacher and classmates, then it’s time for music. Learn-ing to spell, listening to a story, and painting a picture are just some of the things in store for Spot on his first day.
Cómo van a la escuela los dinosaurios?
Great book for all dinosaur lovers who are getting ready to start school!
Chrysanthemum takes pride in her name, but she stops liking it after her classmates make fun of it. Things begin to change, however, when she meets her new music teacher, who makes her feel proud of her special name once again.
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