The phrases that Latina moms say may be quirky and funny, but they also hide wisdom and a fierce protection.

If you grew up with a Latina mom, chances are you’ve heard a collection of sayings that were both hilarious and memorable. These phrases often made us roll our eyes as kids, but as adults, we realize how much wisdom, love, and fierce protection were hidden behind them. What once felt like simple scoldings or advice now echoes in our own parenting, showing just how deeply these sayings shape our lives.

Here’s a look at some of the most iconic Latina mom sayings that, whether you like it or not, you’re probably repeating to your kids today.

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Phrases That Latina Moms Say

Me duele más a mí que a ti (This hurts me more than it hurts you)

Because it does!

Sana, sana, colita de rana (Heal, heal, froggy tail)

Yes, it doesn’t make sense, but it was enough to make you feel instantly better!

No se puede comprar la felicidad, pero sí se puede comprar pastelitos (You can’t buy happiness, but you sure can buy cake)

Moms helping us to see the other side!

Mientras tú vivas en esta casa… (While you live in this house)

Just so we remember who was the boss…

Ponte Vaporub (Put on some Vaporub)

Vaporub can fix anything

Ponte vaporub

Mi casa no es un hotel (My house is not a hotel)

You were guaranteed to hear this one in your youth.

mi casa no es hotel

Te lo digo por tu bien (I’m telling you for your own good)

I can’t tell you how many times I heard this phrase!

¿Y si Juanita se avienta por la ventana tú también te avientas? (And if Juanita throws herself out of the window so would you?)

This classic response to peer pressure taught us to think for ourselves. Sure, it felt like a buzzkill back then, but now, we see it as a lesson in self-awareness and independence. It’s about teaching kids to lead, not follow blindly—a value that sticks with you.

Llévate un suéter por si acaso  (Just in case, take a sweater with you)

Moms can never be too careful when it comes to staying warm even if it’s 99 degrees out!

Porque yo lo digo (Because I said so!)

This phrase has the power to stop the whining!

Cuando tengas hijos te acordarás de mí (When you have your own children, you will remember me)

Isn’t this true now?

Which other phrase that Latina moms say I am forgetting?

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