“If Dominican were a color, it would be the sunset in the sky, blazing red and burning bright.
If Dominican were a color, it’d be the roar of the ocean in the deep of the night,
With the moon beaming down rays of sheer delight.“
After I had habichuelas con dulce for the first time, I declared myself to be an honorary Dominican citizen. The funny thing is that I have never been in Dominican Republic. But that little detail hasn’t stopped me to get to know Quisqueya deeper.
I remember that back in Ecuador, DR felt so far away, but that changed after I befriend a Dominicana. She is very passionate about her country and cultura. I feel like I have traveled to that beautiful island of hers through her stories and openness many times. I have fallen in love with it.
This is why I am so excited about “If Dominican Were a Color,” a new bilingual book written by Sili Recio and it will be available September 22. This book is like a poem of love that celebrates the joy of being Dominican.
A few weeks ago, I had the privilege to get a sneak peak and read it from cover to cover. I found so much love in every page. From the breathtaking story to the vibrant illustrations, this book speaks to every heart, even to those that have never been to DR like me.

Sili said about the illustrations: “It is my deepest honor to share the cover art for If Dominican Were a Color. Illustrated by the incomparable Brianna McCarthy who poured my words onto the canvas and with her tools made them come to life. Thank you for honoring your calling, thank you for saying yes to this project. Thank you for painting the picture that I tried to put into words.” (Read it here)

Every child should get a copy of this book. It will teach a new culture and the responsibility to be loyal to yourself and your ancestors. It will also make you wish to visit that island of many colors soon.
Pre-order yours HERE!