A few years ago, multicultural parenting books became a hot topic of discussion in the media. At the time we had the Tiger Mother book about Chinese parenting and Bringing Up Bébé about French parenting keeping the conversation alive.

I remember reading both books and enjoying what these two mothers had to say. They offered an excellent insight into different perspectives on parenting. Although both books were an enjoyable and interesting read, they didn’t represent my personal experiences of navigating my parenting journey as an immigrant mother in the United States.

Like other Latina mamás, the urge for a Latino parenting book that could cover our triumphs, struggles, worries and dreams was well needed.

Arroz Con Pollo And Apple Pie Book Review

The first time I heard about Arroz con Pollo and Apple Pie: Raising Bicultural Children was from my friend Mayra’s Facebook page. The cover and the title talked to me in a personal way even before knowing what the book was about.

Maritere Rodriguez Bellas, the author and an immigrant mother from Puerto Rico does an outstanding job compiling experiences and testimonies from other Latino immigrant families. Every chapter talks about a different issue that leaves you empowered with great tips and suggestions.

From “The Stages of Immigrant Adjustment” to “Building A Culture of Education at Home,” readers will discover the answers, the strength, and the understanding http://www.onlinepharmacytabs.com that they were always trying to find in the pages of a parenting book!


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Another reason why this book is an important resource for our community is that it’s inclusive. For example, in Chapter 7: “Special Concerns for the Single Immigrant Parents,”  it covers real stories about the challenges that the immigrant single parent in America face every day. You will find wisdom and encouragement by learning how others cope in many situations different than your own.

In the book, Maritere describes how the birth of her son made her felt like she belonged to this country. I couldn’t agree more to that powerful statement. It brought back many memories of that time when my first child was born and I felt the same way.

I also feel connected reading about the pros and cons of going back home! Ay caray!  It was easy to sympathize with many of the stories since you can understand the mix feelings and the personal conflicts that means to go back home.

Arroz Con Pollo and Apple Pie is a great resource for the Latino parent who is raising bicultural children. The suggestions, tips and stories from Maritere and others such as Jorge Ramos and Milly Quezada will bring solutions, confort and connection.



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