Have you ever felt so hungry that your stomach hurts? I haven’t felt this way before, but I have been in areas in the world where hunger kills people, in fact, it kills more people each year than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.
The statistics are alarming especially when you hear that nearly one out of every nine people in the world don’t have access to get the food they need to have a healthy life. Many of them are children. As a mother, it’s heartbreaking to imagine not being able to provide healthy options to my little ones.
In this time of the year where we join in a spirit of thanksgiving and gratitude, let’s also remember those that can’t afford a healthy meal at their tables. Stop Hunger Now, a North Carolina based charity is trying to eliminate world hunger by 2030 and through a donation here you will be joining their efforts.
Last Saturday, a couple of friends in Durham volunteered packaging 76,000 meals headed to hurricane relief in Haiti and to Zambia. (Stop Hunger Now has provided over 225 million meals in 74 countries.) It is inspiring to me how people in my community spent the morning putting up the tables and unloading the truck to sealing and boxing the meals.

Great post and it is refreshing to read how many people are choosing to make a difference! Thank you!!!
Great write-up – that’s awesome that Stop Hunger Now packaged 76,000 meals in Durham for Haiti recently!